Умер создатель формата GIF
14 марта 2022 году умер Стивен Уилхайт, создатель формата GIF в компании CompuServe.
Stephen E. Wilhite (March 3, 1948 – March 14, 2022) was an American computer scientist who worked at CompuServe and was the Engineering Lead on the team that adapted the GIF image file format from the earlier Unisys-owned LZW algorithm. GIF went on to become the de facto standard for 8-bit color images on the Internet until PNG became a viable alternative.[2]
wikipedia:Steve Wilhite
- Habr.com: Умер создатель формата GIF Стивен Уилхайт;
- theverge.com: Stephen Wilhite, creator of the GIF, has died;
- wikipedia.org: Steve Wilhite.